"we all die. the goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."

Hi, I'm Jenna.

Photography and Music are my passion and for as long as I can remember. It seems like nothing could go wrong when i take a picture,  or click the play button. I love being able to capture a moment, where later in life, my friends and I can look back and remember all those memories we made. The idea of being in a studio taking photographs, does not excite me at all, but the idea of being in a wide open field, or at a concert venue, taking a photo, does. Flowers, animals, and nature in general is beautiful in every way possible. I love going for long walks, and bike rides, and bringing my camera (and iPod) along with me. Being able to escape a hectic world, into a world of peace and quietness is something I love being able to do. I love going to concerts and taking hundreds of photos of the performer, band, or artist. If you have ever used my photo in a default, or told me that you liked it, you have no idea how much it really meant. Thank you so much, it means everything to me.